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Moscow Evangelical Christian Seminary
The seminary continues to develop its programs, curriculum, faculty and staff. Most of the faculty consists of qualified Russian professors and administrators. Guest professors, primarily from the United States, have become a significant part of the faculty, providing intensive seminars in various theological subjects.
Address: Chicherina str. 10, bld. 2 | Phone: +7 (495) 472-4165
Website: http://www.seminary.edu.ru/english.htm
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St. Andrew's Biblical Theological College
St. Andrew's is a unique educational institution based in Moscow, russia. It blends what is best in both a confessional and a secular teaching institution. It is totally independent, not owned nor financed by either church or state.
Address: Yerusalimskaya str. 3 | Phone: +7 (495) 270-7644
Website: http://www.standrews.ru/eng.html
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St. Daniel Monastery is the first one in Moscow, founded by saint Prince Daniel of Moscow. He was the youngest son of famous in the history of State and Church saint Prince Alexander Nevsky and his wife - the righteous princess Vassa.
Address: Danilovsky Val, 22 | Phone: +7 (495) 961-1480
Website: http://www.saintdaniel.ru/eng/index.htm
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