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KPMG is a global network of professional service firms providing financial advisory, assurance, tax and consulting services from more than 750 cities in 152 countries. We apply a rigorous approach to assist our clients in defining their business or investment objectives and then work with them to achieve those objectives.
Address: Gogolevsky biulevard 11 | Phone: +7 (495) 937-4477
Website: http://www.kpmg.ru/index.thtml/en/
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At PricewaterhouseCoopers, we measure our success by yours. Everyday our 125,000 people in more than 142 countries go to work to help our clients succeed. From Dublin to Durban, from Minneapolis to Manila, our job is channeling knowledge and value through six lines of service and 22 industry-specialized practices.
Address: Kosmodamianskaya Naberezhnaya 52, bld.5 | Phone: +7 (495) 967 6000
Website: http://www.pwcglobal.com
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Russaudit is one of the largest Russian accounting firms operating since 1992. It has a substantial experience in serving both Russian and international clients in wide range of areas, such as statutory and international audits, compilation of IAS/US GAAP financial statements, tax advisory and litigation, legal services, management consulting, IT and valuation services.
Address: 95, Prospect Mira | Phone: +7 (495) 788-0906, 217-2329
Website: http://www.auditor.ru/_ENG/ind_eng.htm
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"Our unbending commitment to two principles: independence and competence is the winning combination that empowered us to become the industry leader and earned us the right to consult others."
Address: Warshawskoje sh., 125, str.1 | Phone: +7 (495) 797-5665
Website: http://www.auditor.ru/_ENG/ind_eng.htm
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